Friday, November 18, 2011


I'm not sure who my Mr.Tribble is. A lot of people have helped me through the years when I was happy or sad. When something happens in football Hayley is always there to tell me it is going to be ok and makes everything positive. Coach Moody has always been there for me on and off the street. He once said to me "you will always have a place in my heart" that meant a lot to me because it shows how much he cares for me and how I earned his respect. He said this after your playoff game. The last game of my football carer. He will always be one of my Mr.Tribbles no matter the situation.

Friday, November 11, 2011


  1. I wish Forrest would stay here tonight instead of going off to fight. I know it's good money and all. But I wish we could just calm down and have a family, start the shrimp business and all. I know Bubba would love that, and I think Forrest knows that to. It's something Forrest likes doing so why can't we just do that? I think Dan maybe might have something to do with Forrest fighting. Dan is a good guy but sometimes he may be leading Forrest in the wrong way. I should talk to him about him. I hate watching him get beat up It makes me feel embarrassed as such. I love Forrest but does he love me back?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It isnt fair!

It isn't fair that NBA players get paid millions of dollars and yet are not satisfied. While people work for very little and still find a way to be happy. It isn't fair that mills has a blue Jolly Rancher and I have blue. It isn't fair that the Packers are 8-0 and everyone else is terrible. It isn't fair that I can't dunk a basketball. It isn't fair that I was drink a endless supp;y of water. It isn't fair that Americans are fat. It isn't fair that I can't run as fast as Usain Bolt. It isn't fair!