Monday, December 19, 2011

Water for Elaphant's review!!!!

Based on the book Water for Elephants written by Sara Gruen. Is a Romantic Drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

The movie starts out when a old mad leaves a nursing home to go watch the circus. A man finds him and tells him to come inside and get out of the rain. As the man starts talking to him he realises that he once was in the circus himself. The old man "Jacob" goes back in time and tells how he become part of the story.

Jacob "Robert Pattinson" is in college studding veterinary science at Cornell. But before he can finish he gets some bad news that his parents have died in a car accident. He realizes he was left with nothing. Jacob decides to run away. He sees a train so he decides to jump on. At first he didn't know it was a circus train. He finds work fast and is knowledge is used on the animals and he soon becomes the circus vet.

Jacob falls in love with the bosses "August" "Christoph Waltz" wife "Marlene. Marlene "Reese Witherspoon". They work together with the best act at the show with Rosie "the elephant".As the fall in love August hate grows more for Jacob. This leads to a twist ending. ENJOY!

 Reese plays a good lover as will seen in other movies like "Walk The Line.  Robert is plays a good part in this movie. He also plays good at protecting his woman as seen on Twilight. Christoph plays a brilliant bad guy as well. 4 out of 5 stars!

1 comment:

  1. Nice summary, sir! But I'd like more reflection on what you thought of the film!

    Enjoy your break, Cory!
