Friday, September 30, 2011

Errday I make my ma think Im wack. Errday Errday max and I go way back. Errday Errday throwing it on the ground errone is looking all around. Errday Errday people think I'm crazy but they just lazy Errday Errday. Throwing balls of walls making Errbody crawl Errday Errday.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Movie Review

I thought the movie was better than reading the book. In the book Norman Maclean was so far in detail it was hard to understand what he was writing I kept getting lost. The movie was more to the point on their life. Which made it a lot easier to understand. I would still recommend on reading the book before watching the movie. I think Robert Redford did a good job at directing the film. Even though there was not as much deatail he did enough to make a good movie. They picked a good spot to shoot the film. In the movie we were able to see what he described in the book. The actors chosen for the film fit well. Brad Pitt did an wonderful job. He seemed like he had a lot of experience even though he was a young actor. I give the movie 4 out of 5 stars.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Through my studies that I have found on Paul Maclean. I have noticed a few things he likes beer almost as much as he likes fishing. Something that mat help Paul to fix his problems is a good wife. But she cant be the woman like he has been with before. She has to be able to take care of him. She was to loving caring and watch over him. She can cook for him so he doesn't have to go out every night. He also can resive some advice from his brother Norman about marriage. So it will beneifit both of them. Norman will finally get to help out his brother and Paul can fix his problem. They also need to go fishing at least 3 times a week. So they can catch up on things. That all he needs is a little love. If any other people have problems they can reach me at 555-555-5555. Thank you..

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Baseball slide

Cory Holcomb does it again as he slides into home to win the game. Some people watched in aww as slides with studlyness. Here's Arron Andrews with Cory. So Cory tell me how you slide on base so well? "well I picked it up when I played baseball in Big Timber. I do it my own way so no one can copy my skill. It just came to me. When I played back in Big Timber no one else on the team could perfect this. This was why my slide is so special." Oh well I see Cory why don't you call me some time?? :) "will do" That wraps it up from ESPN 'The Perfect Baseball Slide" thank you and good night.

Friday, September 2, 2011

J.W. Edgar once said "never judge a book by its movie"

I fell that this quote is legitimate. I have read books that are really good and I cant wait to see the movie; but when i watch the movie I'm often bummed. This is because they leave out all the good details the writer describes in the book. I've also heard that the Harry Potter books are better then the movies. I think that someone should read the book before they watch the movie. I am sure some movies may be better then the book. Depends on the reader. The movies are interesting because you get to see what the characters look like.