Friday, September 2, 2011

J.W. Edgar once said "never judge a book by its movie"

I fell that this quote is legitimate. I have read books that are really good and I cant wait to see the movie; but when i watch the movie I'm often bummed. This is because they leave out all the good details the writer describes in the book. I've also heard that the Harry Potter books are better then the movies. I think that someone should read the book before they watch the movie. I am sure some movies may be better then the book. Depends on the reader. The movies are interesting because you get to see what the characters look like.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you said that the analysis of a book compared to a film "depends on the reader". Some people have difficulty visualizing when they read, so they enjoy films more. Others feel that films will never be better than the books because they lack the detail that you can read in a text. Nice, Cory. Make sure to capitalize your "I"s when you are referring to yourself.
